Monday, June 26, 2006



Hey hey!!!

Well... a tip to all.NEVER NEVER eat sour cream and onion potato chips when your lips are extremely extremely dry!! It hurts so bad!! oh gosh.. I shouldn't have!! But it was so tempting.. Couldn't help it!!!!

I was just thinking, ever since I've come here I have been friends with the weirdest people. People I was never friends with back home. For example, Ben Cheok?? Gracie Foo?? Mark Tan?? Goh Sue Anne?? Zie Chong?? Wing Sun?? David Ng?? Who on earth thought I would be close to these people?????

Ever since coming here, these are the people that make me feel at home. Cheer me up. Tease me like crazy!!!!Seriously.. they do!! Who are there for me when I need them. Who were there for me when I needed them the most!! When my stuff got stolen.(I had a whole house full of people in there ok??!!! not funny). But yeah.. They went out in the cold ( FREEZING COLD) and helped me find it. Who kept and keep me company when I was and am all alone in church.Who just make my laugh and smile when I need it. Who gosh, are just my friends and who are just there for me always!!( I think) All the stupid things we did and do with each other. All the fun things. All the bimbo acts and the bimbo comments!! ahahah

We still have arguments and fights. Fights out of no where man! For absolutely no reason. All because of Jhim. ahhaah well yeah. But no matter what, they are always there for me( I think). And I appreciate every single thing you guys have done for me! Seriously, you have no idea!!

Thanks for everything guys.. You have no idea how much I love you!! Well.. I love you with all my heart!!! ahahah=)

Love you guys from the bottom of my heart!!!


The weirdest people??? Sheesh.. Thanks.. But since you said nice things about us after that, I forgive you lah:) I appreciate having you here SO SO SO MUCH also!!! If not, we would never have known the existence of WOKINA BOX!!!Hehehe....
aw kelsey :)
now what was that i think there for huh huh huh? too much lar u. too much!
i can't take it! :P (must say in the wing sun accent)
hehe! i love u so much :) u dunno how much..hehe..muaks!
kels, u have no choice but to be friends with us... hahaha jokking.

Pls remember... that no matter what, u too will always have a special place in my heart. keep tht in mind, even at times when u feel off or anything, and that i will always be there for u. words could not describe... nor there's enough space for me to go and on... which i will.. so shall end my comments here. u get the juice of it la.

ur part of the ppl who have lavished ur sayangness on me... and make me feel at home too.

hugs n kisses... urs gracie.
hahaha sorry sun!! sorry!! ahah haha wing sun accent eh anne?? haha thanks gracie.. got a point la you!! haha love you so much!! love oyu all so much!! with all my heart!!! someone please tell me why on earth my chatterbox is all the way down there??
haha i never knew u had one of these!! and where r ur beloved neighbours in ur post?? lol. come c pirates of the carribean with us when it opens!! luv c+d
Thanks for including my name still even though I am so far far away already... love you too!!! now I hope I find friends like you in Singapore!!
hahaha marko!!!
How can i not remember you?? I had you here with me for three months!! It is really and i mean REALLY hard to forget you after three months..ahhaha =)
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