Sunday, July 23, 2006


Two weEks of hOlidAy....

Yes.. my two weeks of holidays are over!! Really don't want to go back to school.. But I can't do anything but let you all know I had a great holiday!! Great holiday!!! We had Jaclyn Victor and Juwita Suwito here.. Yup we did..Had a family holiday..and a whole load of other stuff..ahah YES!!! i did take heaps of here they are..Enjoy=)

A bunch of us went to Hahndorf and Cleland Wildlife Park.

Jac and Juwita in my house.

And of course.. we ended our holiday with a family holiday at Victor Harbour.I think I have climbed so much more in the past six months than I have other done in the past twelve years!!!

Yeah...That is about it la.. More pictures of the scenery will be posted.. ahah

yeah ok..ahah nothing else to say... see ya


how cute is misha! and read my blog u got tagged!
Excellent, love it! European hiking trips from canada vinyl pants Vicodin onlinel
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