Revolution went bowling yesterday..(By the way, Revolution is my youth group that goes from year 6 to year 8.) And guess what Solid( Youth group that goes from year 9 to year 12.) had? They had their formal! Oh man..It was so dumb! I would have so preferred to go to the formal than bowling, but I couldn't. So I went bowling. But it was fun too! I actually won! 4 spares and 2 strikes I think. Score was 126 or somewhere around there. A few of us took a lot of pictures! Some at the bowling center, some..somewhere else. Haha..
The most hideous bowling shoes in the world I tell you!!!!!!!!!
Yeah..Random picture.
I know! They put my name as Chelsea! Why do people always do that? Sheesh..That was half way through the game..
Kathryn and I.
Tori(Victoria), Alex(Alexander), and I.
Annabelle and Kathryn.
Tori and I.
Annabelle, Kathryn and I.
Annabelle and I. We both don't look so cool here. A bit miang/high.
Annabelle and I.
Right to left= Annabelle, Alex, Tori, Kathryn and I.
Top= Annabelle. Bottom,Right to left= Kathryn, Tori and I.
Back to front= Alex, Kathryn, Tori and Annabelle.
Tori and I.More to come..See ya homies...
# posted by kelseykatrina @ 9:21 pm