Saturday, June 02, 2007

Does anyone know how to put more fonts in? I need to find out how to.. It's annoying me how little fonts there are in blogspot..I need and want to get more..People reading my site are gonna say the fonts I use are monotonous 'cause I use the same ones over and over again.

See..I'm not sure what to update about. I have something in mind..But I'm not sure I want to. So I will postpone that till next time and update pictures now! People like pictures right?? Well..Even if they don't..They're gonna see it..

I know I know..Poser! It's been rather cold lately..It's winter!

The sky in Autumn.

Yes..Something possessed me that day..
I'm wearing

Ryan and I. Mother's Day Dinner.

Yeah..Running out of pictures as you can see..

Isaiah, Danae and Annabelle at bU. There were modeling.

David, Annie and Danae. bU...Yeah..

Well..Nothing else I think. Till my next post.Long and intense post.

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