Does anyone know how to put more fonts in? I need to find out how to.. It's annoying me how little fonts there are in blogspot..I need and want to get more..People reading my site are gonna say the fonts I use are monotonous 'cause I use the same ones over and over again.
See..I'm not sure what to update about. I have something in mind..But I'm not sure I want to. So I will postpone that till next time and update pictures now! People like pictures right?? Well..Even if they don't..They're gonna see it..
I know I know..Poser! It's been rather cold lately..It's winter!
The sky in Autumn.
Yes..Something possessed me that day.. I'm wearing tights/leggings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ryan and I. Mother's Day Dinner.
Yeah..Running out of pictures as you can see..
Isaiah, Danae and Annabelle at bU. There were modeling.
David, Annie and Danae. bU...Yeah..
Well..Nothing else I think. Till my next post.Long and intense post.