Revolution Camp...10th-12th..Tuesday-Thursday..
Lateisha and Annabelle on our double decker bus..After the movie, Shrek 3..STUPID movie!
Danae and Annabelle..We stopped at a park to have lunch!
Jeremy and Annabelle in front.Katina, Kathryn, Nathaniel, Oscar, Danae and the back.
We were bored people..Our second day..We had a break in between, a LONG break. Roselle, Nathaniel, Jeremy, Ryan and I.See..during the 5 hour break, we actually did a fair bit. We played donkey around the table tennis table, played soccer, played basketball..Then went and joined the dance class for fun. 3 quarter of the people did NOT register for it. We did the class for fun. It was GREAT! We did all these one after the other..EXERCISE!
Jeremy and I. He said I was lucky if I got a picture with him smiling..=)
Lack of sleep and adrenalin does this to you.
Jodie Ey..Standing in my way of taking our banner..
Alexi and Ryan
We did an item on the last night.. we read out verses to a song by Linkin Park(forgot what it's called).. SICK! The last night was powerful! We had a praise fest...Man..It was REALLY good! I have been holding back..But then..I just let loose! It felt ro so cool! (talk about exercise man! all the exercise I got that day..ahha)
First row: Me, Roselle, Jonathan and Ryan.Middle row: Chelsea, Amber, Annabelle, Andy, James, Ben, and Nathaniel.Last row: Oscar and Brandon.
We had a bonfire on the last night..That was when it was small!
Last session!!!
Our last lunch at camp..Left side: Andy, Katina, Kathryn, dude on the table is Israel, Jeremy, dont know what his name is, and Roselle..Right side: Chelsea, Amber, James, Brandon, Jonathan and Jack.Fully to the right: Josh and Oscar.That was all the pictures I took at Revolution Camp.. My last Revolution Camp.. I will be moving to Solid next year..Haha..Did take a number of videos..Will put them up later on..kels
# posted by kelseykatrina @ 3:08 pm