Like I mentioned yesterday...I am going to do something interesting today..Haha..A few other people and myself are going to do episodes of 'Embarrassing Stories about ourselves'...
Hahhaha..Yeah! Just to let all you people out there know, we are like any other ordinary person..ahahah..Humble ourselves..yup Yup.I will be putting Wei-ming's embarrassing stories up here as have fun reading and laughing..
Not too long ago, I was getting ready for school. I was kinda rushing and remembered that I needed new exercise books because I finished mine. My school sells exercise books so I thought I would buy from school. So obviously I needed money right?And normally we have coins on the mantel in the living room. I ran out to the mantel, saw gold coins on the mantel and just took 4 and ran out of the house.
At recess, I went to student services to buy my books. I asked the lady for 2 exercise books.
Lady: That would be $2 please.
Kelsey: *gives lady 2 gold coins*
Lady: What is this?
Kelsey: *thinks to myself* What does it look like??money la!DUH!
Lady: This isn't money...
Kelsey: * takes the coins and looks at it*....
RWANDAN COINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My parents just came back from their mission trip in Rwanda..Yup..So sad!
Hahhahahaha..Sigh...I took the coins and just ran!! THe worse thing is..The next day..I went to buy books with AUSSIE coins..The same lady was there..hahahha..The things I go through!hahaha
-mingEmbarassing moment 00001I was nervous this particular day.Because I was giving a talk on Photoshop in a female school.But I eventually finished the talk and just when I was leaving,A gurl said "bye".So I said "bye" back..Then she said bye again...Then I also say bye! Actually she was talking to her friend!!
Oh my goshness. I so shame-shame you know friends...Like shame-shame like naked and pee on the floor wor... Aiya....
Hope that put a smile on your faces..hahaha
# posted by kelseykatrina @ 1:21 am