Ok..i have the most ANNOYING rash in the world man!!
I think I got an allergic reaction to something..It started on Wednesday, on my feet, spread to my ankles and legs. On Thursday, it continued to spread to my thighs, back and arms. Friday, it spread even more to my chest, tummy, butt! Then it spread to my face, my ears, neck..my palms! You can see dots on my palms! it's SO ITCHY! Like MAJORLY ITCHY! ARGH!!! You will see me scratching all of a sudden..EVERYWHERE!! GOSH!! I've got dots everywhere! Scars on my feet and hands cause i scratch em in my sleep..man its bad!
gonna see doctor about it tomorrow..See what exactly it is..Even talking about it makes me wanna scratch! ARGH!...
Well..aunty sue and uncle dennis are coming tomorrow! For a whole month!! gonna be heaps fun!!;) ;)
shall update about more interesting stuff later on..gotta go get ready for bed..love ya!(yes you know who you are;) )hhahaha...gosh...
night people!
# posted by kelseykatrina @ 8:35 pm